Monday, March 3, 2025

Filename fromfile id


This Apps Script function allows you to retrieve file names from their corresponding Google Drive file IDs and populate them into a Google Sheet. It helps automate the process of identifying files based on their IDs, saving time and effort.


Create a Google Sheet:

Name a sheet FileNameFromFileId.

In column B, starting from row 2, list the file IDs you want to retrieve names for.

Column C will be used to display the corresponding file names.

Add the Script:

Open your Google Sheet.

Go to Extensions > Apps Script.

Delete any code in the script editor and replace it with the script provided below.

Run the Script:

Save the script and give it a name (e.g., GetFileNames).

Click the run button to execute the script.

Authorize the script to access your Google Drive if prompted.

View the Results:

After running the script, the file names will appear in column C next to their respective IDs.


Feel free to leave a comment if you have any questions or run into any issues. 

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