Monday, February 24, 2025

Shorten Url With Appscript


This Apps Script function allows you to automatically shorten URLs in a Google Sheet using the Bitly API. By setting up an installable trigger, the function will run automatically whenever a long URL is entered in the specified column, making it easier to manage and share shortened URLs.


Create a Google Sheet:

Name the sheet (e.g., Sheet1).

Populate the sheet with long URLs in the specified column (e.g., column A).

Get a Bitly Access Token.

Sign up for a Bitly account if you don't have one.

Go to the Bitly API and generate an access token.

Add the Script:

Open your Google Sheet.

Go to Extensions > Apps Script.

Delete any code in the script editor and replace it with the script provided below.

Update the Script:

Replace "Sheet1" with the name of your sheet if different.

Adjust the urlColumn variable to match the column number of the URLs you want to shorten (1-based index).

Replace "YOUR_BITLY_ACCESS_TOKEN" with your Bitly access token.

Set Up an Installable Trigger:

In the Apps Script editor, click on the clock icon to open the triggers page.

Click on + Add Trigger at the bottom right.

Choose shortenUrls function.

Set the event type to On edit.

Save the trigger.

Now, whenever you enter a long URL in the specified column (e.g., column A), the script will automatically shorten the URL without needing to manually run the function.


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